Why you should take breaks and work like a tree

redwood forest panorama

I’m working on a project right now that I *really* want to grow and be successful, so I feel like I should be working hard on it all the time.

But sometimes I want to rest.

Or take a break.

But then I think, “In order to succeed I need to work harder and longer,” and I keep going.

Good idea, right?

tall redwood

Nope. Not according to these articles (bold added):

So, I’m going to start working like a tree. Did you know that trees don’t grow throughout the year?

They have periods of growth and periods of rest.

And look how awesome they turn out!

If you’re pushing yourself harder and harder to achieve your big vision for your work in the world, stop. Take a lesson from a tree.

Grow a little and rest.

Grow a little and rest.

Grow a little and rest.

Photos by me

4 thoughts on “Why you should take breaks and work like a tree

  1. Tom Aageson says:

    Britt…excellent wisdom, even it seems contrarian to our society’s messages of work hard and long hours. Take the breaks, have a list 3 things to finish during the day and leave for home to read, eat together and have a good rest. Thanks. What are the programs?

  2. klforster says:

    I saw this in your course as a screengrab and I had to find it! Love this concept Britt – how brilliant!! It really speaks to me.

    Am loving your course! Brilliant info and am learning so much!

    • Britt Bravo says:

      Thank you for your kind words, Katherine ( : I’m so glad you are enjoying the Juicy Blogging E-Course. It has been a real pleasure to help you with your beautiful blog.

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