I Blog Because . . .

It’s been so long since I’ve written here that my blogging joints feel stiff and creaky. To stretch my blogging muscles, I’ve signed up to receive a blogging prompt each day for 20 days from Writing: Finding Everyday Inspiration, a WordPress.com Blogging U e-course. Even though I coach and teach others how to blog, it doesn’t mean I don’t need to keep working on my own blogging skills ( :

Today’s prompt is, I Write Because . . .which I’ve changed to I Blog Because . . .

I blog because someone somewhere might be helped by my blog. It might inspire them, make them smile, provide a resource they’ve been looking for, or help them feel less alone.

pink flower

I blog because blogging is an accessible medium that allows me to publish whenever and whatever I want, and readers from all over the world can find it and read it for free.


I blog because of the magical connections that can happen through blogging. Blogging has helped me form virtual and in-person relationships, both personal and professional, sometimes even across continents.


I blog because blogging is a creative and multi-dimensional form of writing that allows me to add visual elements (e.g. photos, videos), make connections (e.g. links) and





I want.


I blog because it’s fun!

To hear about upcoming blogging e-courses and coaching specials, subscribe to my blog and/or mailing list.

Photos by me ( :

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