abstract water color painting by Britt Bravo

Your Post COVID Work Life: 9 Reflection Questions

We’re in a strange transition time between shelter-in-place and sheltering-in-place less—a good time to think about what you want your post COVID work life to look like. Imagine the past year as an extended (strange) trip. Your travels changed you forever. Now you’re heading back home on a long plane ride.

Once you arrive, it will be easy to return to your familiar routine. Some things you can’t wait to resume (think about how wonderful it is to sleep in your own bed after a trip!). But other things you might want to change—insights from your travels you want to take action on and not forget.

Why not take a little time during this transition period to reflect on what you’ve learned over the past year and how you want to integrate it into your future? I’ve included some reflection questions below to act as a jumping off point.

9 Post COVID Work Life Reflection Questions

  1. What was your Big Vision for your work in the world before shelter-in-place?
  2. What went well and supported your Big Vision during shelter-in-place?
  3. What didn’t go well and didn’t support your Big Vision during shelter-in-place?
  4. How has your Big Vision for your work in the world changed during shelter-in-place?
  5. What about your pre-pandemic Big Vision were you unable to do because of shelter-in-place that you want to resume?
  6. What about your pre-pandemic Big Vision were you unable to do because of shelter-in-place that you want to stop, or modify?
  7. What are 3 things you’ve learned about your Big Vision over the past year that you don’t want to forget?
  8. What are 3 actions you can take over the next 3 months to integrate what you’ve learned into your post COVID work life?
  9. Who provided the biggest support to your Big Vision during shelter-in-place? What is one action you can take to thank them?

If it feels right, put your answer to #7 up where you can see it and schedule your answers to #8 and #9 on your calendar.

I hope that answering these reflection questions helps your entry into your post COVID work life be a little smoother.

If you’d like some mentoring around your Big Vision during this new phase of your life, schedule a 30-minute sample call ( :

Here’s a video version of this post as well:

Related reading

Why you’re saying, “I don’t know what I want to do” by me.

Life after COVID-19: Making space for growth by Kirsten Weir, American Psychological Association.

Image: Painting by me.

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