Abstract painting by Britt Bravo

Facing a Challenge? Use Your Strengths.

Are you feeling stuck around your Big Vision for your work in the world? Use your strengths.

Sometimes when we feel stuck, or hit an obstacle, we focus on how we need to change, grow, learn, or fix. Doing those things can be part of the solution. But so can leaning into what you’re already good at—your natural skills, talents, and ways of being.

So often when a client comes to me who is feeling stuck, it’s because they are trying to do, or be something they’re not. They don’t trust their Big Vision because it’s different. Or they don’t believe they can do something (e.g. marketing, writing a book, get their ideal job) because how they would do it is different than how other people would do it.

Here’s the thing about having a Big Vision for your work in the world. It’s going to be different, unique— and that’s a good thing! Your combination of strengths, skills, and dreams are what makes you stand out. It’s what you can draw on when times are tough.

I’m not saying that during the course of your career you won’t need to try new things, learn new skills, adapt to new trends and technology, change your mindset, or stretch out of your comfort zone. Of course you will. But you also don’t have to make your life harder then it needs to be. Growth and change are part of life. But so is appreciating and using what you already have—your strengths.

Don’t let comparing your strengths to other people’s strengths stop you from sharing yours.

Don’t let your ideas of how things are “supposed” to be done slow you down.

Being your natural, awesome self is always part of the solution!

A few resources to help you learn about your strengths

Ask 5 friends to share your top 5 strengths.

VIA Character Strengths

CliftonStrengths Assessment

Workshop Announcement

I’ll be teaching a virtual Visioning Your Post-Pandemic Work Life workshop through Making Waves Studios Saturday, May 15th from 10:45-11:45 AM PT. If you’re feeling unclear about what you want your post-pandemic work life to look like, join us! Take an hour to reflect on what you’ve learned over the past year and begin to dream about your new Big Vision for your work in the world.

My wonderful Zumba teachers, Adriana Oyarzun and Andreina Febres, founded Making Waves Studios. They offer online and in person dance, yoga, and meditation classes. Movement can really open you up to new ideas, so I recommend taking Adriana’s 9:30 AM PT Zumba class beforehand, if you can.

Making Waves donates a percentage of its sales to support causes that are important to their community. Since March 2020, they’ve donated over $23,000 to 40 different causes. This month, they’ll be donating to Postpartum Support International (PSI).

Register today.

Painting in featured image by me.

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