Looking for Your Big Vision? Notice What “Sparkles”

sparklesA friend who is between jobs recently asked me, “Is there one piece of advice you would give to a creative person when they are looking for their next job, or project?”

I responded, “Notice what ‘sparkles’ for you.”

I think of “sparkles” as things that make you smile, makes time fly, or that you all of a sudden become very curious about (even if you don’t understand why).

If you are a “creative” type, you already know that most creative projects don’t usually happen in a straight line: A to Z. They often begin with something small: a craving for an ingredient, a phrase you can’t stop thinking about, an attraction to a color, or a problem that piques your interest. My experience has been that if you follow that sparkle, and the next one and the next one, they will take you on a curvy route to your next big vision.

If you’re in the middle of a transition and trying to figure out what to do next, follow you sparkles, even if they don’t make logical sense. They will light the way.

Try this:

Over the next three days, notice what “sparkles” for you:

  • What brings you joy?
  • What are you attracted to?
  • What are you curious about?

Capture your “sparkles” in your journal, in a conversation with a friend, or with photos.

  • Are there any themes that run through all of your sparkles?
  • How can you bring more of what sparkles into your life?

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