Make space for your 2020 Big Vision

You’ve set goals for 2020. There are things you want to do to realize your Big Vision for your work in the world. But how will you make space for it?

I know I’ve been writing along this theme for a little bit (e.g. Sometimes Your “To-Do” Is To Do Less and Rest, Do Less and More in 2020: Let Go and Commit), but it seems worth mentioning again. In these times when the most common response to, “How are you?” is often, “Busy!” making space for your Big Vision is key.

“Making space” could mean clearing your physical space, not trying to do too many things in one day, or letting go of situations that have been making you feel poopy for a while—that kind of thing.

Personally, I’ve been cleaning out my home office, which involves going through decades of paper files. It’s like an archaeological dig. Each day I discover new layers. Client files, blog post notes, podcast notes, curriculum, conference passes, press clippings, and miscellaneous magazine articles are all waiting to be sorted.

I’m recycling some of this stuff with relish. They are reminders of difficult times. But I’m also finding good things that bring up memories of what I’ve accomplished. Sorting through it all has revealed through lines in my work I didn’t know existed.

If I’m honest, it’s been a somewhat overwhelming process. But just like I advise my clients to do, I’m tackling it in bite-sized chunks. Small steps will take me where I want to go: a space clear enough of the past that there is room for the future.

Making space can bring relief and discomfort.

Try not to let feeling uncomfortable stop you.

What is one thing you could do in January to make space for your 2020 Big Vision?

If you need a thought partner, don’t hesitate to reach out and set up a free 30-minute call.

Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “Make space for your 2020 Big Vision

  1. Susie MeserveSusie says:

    This is resonating. I just returned from a trip to clean out my childhood home so my parents can sell it. I had saved hundreds of letters and journals and mementos. It was devastating and funny and sad and all of it. I love thinking of you in your office going through old notes and files, too, and it inspires me to get my own office in gear (though sometimes this is more of a procrastination tool than anything!). Hugs.

    • Britt Bravo says:

      Hi Susie! What are you going to do with all of your journals? I have 30+ years of them and am thinking I’d like to shred them and start fresh.

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